Wednesday, November 14, 2012

End of an Era - ForeverWard

That's become my mantra as I prepare to watch BD2 tomorrow night and usher in the end of an era. It's hard to believe that it's been four years since I first saw Twilight with my nephew. And it was a fluke.

We love to go to the movies together. Most of the time, we don't even have a specific plan in mind. We'll show up at the theater and then make a decision. My sister-in-law had mentioned Twilight to me in passing because her oldest daughter had read the books and they'd just seen the movie together. Her exact words to me about the movie were, "The main vampire guy is really cute. I think you'd like it." So when we scanned our choices and saw Twilight on the board, I remembered her words and asked my nephew if he cared if we saw that one. He shrugged and said sure.

Fast forward to the end of the movie...

Me: That was better than I thought it would be. I thought Edward was hot, didn't you?

Nephew: I liked Jacob better.

Needless to say, we no longer go to movies together and/or even speak for that matter ;) Actually, that led to more bonding between us over the saga. As CA at his college, he even helped coordinate the decorating of his floor for the first quarter's literature theme. You guessed it. Twilight. So proud :)

I wish I could say that I was so obsessed with the movie after my first viewing that it had me running out to see it again and again, but that wasn't the case. What I was immediately drawn to was the music, specifically the song used in the baseball scene. As most of you know, baseball is a passion of mine. That scene will forever live in my memory. The song was perfect.

That's what had me standing in the checkout line at Target and reading through the song list while I waited.

Never Think – Robert Pattinson
Let Me Sign – Robert Pattinson

What??? He had songs in the movie?!

Fast forward to me listening to said songs in the car...


That's where the obsession began. I just hope there is more music in his future.

I had no idea that would lead to me going on this insane, incredible, amazing journey, but I will forever be grateful that it did. It brought things into my life that I never, ever imagined it would, least of which is all of YOU.

In the days and weeks ahead, I plan to reflect on my journey more and link you to pictures taken on my travels along the way, if for nothing else then to have them archived here.

In the meantime, I know it's been a long while since kiTT (dragon-boss lady) and I last put out an edition of TwiPeople's Sexiest Ward Alive, but that’s because we wanted this next installment to coincide with the release of BD2.

This was a collaborative effort that was a whole year in the making. kiTT pitched me her idea for today's cover last year, and we knew we needed to sit back and wait for just the right pictures of Rob to be released. It's a tough job to monitor all pictures of him that come through month after month. ;) It felt like it took…well, forever.

I hope you'll join kiTT and I in celebrating the wrap-up of our tribute collaboration project that pays homage to the epic love story that spanned five fantastic movies. We dedicate these covers to all the fans that we’ve shared this journey with!

Of course I had to find a way to fit in a b&w image. ;) This is how we'll always feel about Edward.

Two years ago, Bleriana and I threatened to ‘storm the castle’ (here) if Rob wasn’t selected to grace the cover of People Magazine in November (for an honor that shall not be named on this blog until the title is given to Rob). Hey B, you knew you could count us me to make up for their poor judgment!

To see the final installment, which is a tribute to the OriginalWard, the one who launched so many epic fanfic love stories...and the one who will be our ForeverWard...please go to kiTT's post on TongueTwied.

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