Friday, April 9, 2010

What do you give the girl who has everything?

A Robsten tribute, of course. Not that I give a crapsten ; )

Music to scroll by for our rocker girl

The dream that started it all.

Thank you Stephanie Meyer.

The kiss that sealed their fate.

Thank you Catherine Hardwicke.

Rob: Everybody's staring.
Kristen: Not that girl. No, she just looked.



Body Language


Happy 20th birthday, Kristen!

She knows she's already unwrapped
the best present ever. Just sayin'.


TwiloveSue said...

I'm not necessarily a Robsten lover, but I will say that those were some very beautiful pictures and there is some major chemistry there. I guess if it can't be me... I swear, that man is so gorgeous that he simply can't be human. Oh, and happy birthday to Kristen :)

Twired Jen said...

Oh man Lisa...what the hell are we going to do if these two don't get married and have babies? I shudder to think of the opposite. Beautiful pics & great captions lmao! And the song is perfect!

HAPPY B-DAY KRISTEN! ROBSTEN 4 EVA'! <~~~ Didn't another blogger say that recently? LMAO.


TongueTwied said...

well this is not how I like my Robsten, ya know, "hidden" and all, but heck yeah I want to know what Rob gives her for her birthday!

I adore that VF picture of them and I think....

Musing Bella said...

@Jen - if they don't get married and have babies, we'll just have to stage a fan intervention. The three of us (and anyone else who gives a Crapsten) will fly to wherever they are and sit them down and force them to see that they're meant to be. That's healthy, right?

Fuck, I'll be depressed if they don't get married and have babies.

Happy birthday KSTEW!!! Thanks for the pics, Lisa - those are some of my faves!

Jayla said...

ok-ok, twitchy bella gets her man. fine.
i really do hope she has a happy birthday (gawd- she can't even drink legally!)

lisa- awesome pictures-esp the jaw porn rob pic. you can really see the admiration they have for one another.

Honolulu Girl-Suz said...

Happy Bday KStew! You suck for being so beautiful and having Rob as a boyfriend. :)

Okay, fine. I take the 'suck' part back.

mmMoxie said...

Get ready......I'm going to say something nice.

I love their chemistry on screen.

smartEpantz said...

Oh, Lisa...All I can say is I love Rob, and I love you! That's what this post was about right??
The pics are lovely though....grrrrrr.

@Mox ~ Who are you and where have you taken the REAL mmMoxie?? She better back in time for DML tonight! ;P


sparkle for twilight said...

Lisa I L-O-V-E it when you do picture posts like this! (And you are always good with the captions.) It saves me a trip to google because you pick out the best ones. Whether or not these two aren't or are, I love seeing pictures of these two together. Both gorgeous, what can be wrong about that? ;)

Dangrdafne said...

Great collection of pictures here. They are so lovely together. Happy Birthday Kristen.

Trixie and Tess said...

Nice tribute to KStew! We're *Team Robsten* all the way! :) They truly have great chemistry and we love the body language.

We have a new blog and we're new followers on your blog. We'll be visiting frequently!

Trixie and Tess

twilightcupcake said...

You know every time you do a Robsten photo post that I melt into a puddle right? It makes me all warm and dreamy inside. Thanks!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

What a sweet post!! I love all these photos! There's no denying that chemistry has been there since day one!

And now we have Budapest!

17foreverlisa said...

Well, as always, Robsten posts always seem to polarize us. For those of you who are Nonsten or don't really give a Crapsten, thanks for putting up with me. For those of you who are pro Robsten, thanks for sharing this with me.

@Twilove1 - I know what you mean. He is just too damn sexy, and he does it with so many different looks, too.

@Twired Jen - I don't know what we will do if they don't. It will probably involve massive amounts of alcohol, though ;)

@Twongue Twied - LMFAO! "HOLY HAWTNESS NEW FAVORITE PICTURE OF ROB! I 'cotton' to it!" That was a classic post of yours btw.

@Musing Bella - Count me in!!!

@Jayla - I know that was painful for you. Thanks!

@HG - No you don't. LOL!

@mmMoxie - Thanks for the warning. I would have fallen off my chair had you not given it. I kid. I kid! XXXOOO

@smartEpantz - You really do love me, don't you? I know what you really wanted to say, but you didn't. Mwah!

@sparkle for twilight - Awwww, thanks, girlie. That means a lot. XOXO

@Dangrdafne - Are you feeling caught up on blogs yet? LOL!

@Trixie and Tess - Welcome!! There's definitely room for a fellow Robsten lover. Thanks for signing up to follow. I will definitely check out your blog soon!

@twilightcupcake - It's the romantic in us :)

@rpattzgirl - What I wouldn't give to see their audition tape. Gah!!

NibbleitPattinsonakaNebilet said...

Gah, happy birthday ho, if you break his heart, I'll break your face....just sayin...

Trixie and Tess said...

Hey! We're having a giveaway of the Twilight sort on our blog starting today! We'd love for you to come over and enter!

Trixie and Tess

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